INSPIRATION: Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?

*this is not a post about Pretty Little Liars.

Serious ones, silly ones, embarrassing ones... Everyone's got dirty secrets. You are not the only one. The thing about secrets is that everybody's curious to find out...

The online community Postsecret lets people send in homemade postcards with a handwritten secret. I've known about this site for some time now, and I have to say that it's fantastic to visit. The secrets are funny and also sad. Mostly, it's really enjoyable somehow to read intimate secrets from people you've never met and never will meet. The realization that you're not crazy (or at least not the only one).

What your opinion on the Postsecret community? Would you ever submit a postcard?


  1. Heel bijzonder, wel interessant om te zien ook.

  2. It's a very nice post. So interesting.

  3. wow, this is such an amazing outlet for anyone to post their inner secrets and be anonymous about it.
    i think its a fantastic site that would enable people to release the burden of having to keep a secret even if it's read by millions of viewers, noone will know its them !
    i love this idea, kind of reminds me of the artist who uses postcards sent by random people all over the word as a form of art.

  4. aah ik volg dat ook en mijn postkaartje stond vorig jaar zelf op de site :D superleuk om zo te zien !


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