V-DAY: Forever Alone on Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's day as you must have noticed. So for all the lonely souls on this day, I would like to cheers you up with some funny valentine-themed video's. Enjoy, keep calm and carry on being happy single.

Interactive Date with Chris Kendall

I've been subscribed to Chris' channel for about two months now, and he's one of the most talented Youtube comedians to me.
So check out the rest of his videos.

Sexy Internet Dating

If you're still bored you can always try this.

Valentine's Day Tutorial

Whether you have a date or not, try this tutorial to make yourself beauuutiful.

1 comment:

  1. Hij werkt nog steeds niet goed -_-'
    ging net ook ff testen maar werkte niet. Ik word geeeeekkk


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